Hello! Thank you for taking the time to check out my business! I’ve had pets my entire life—birds, cats, dogs, and even the various bugs I would bring home and name “Bob.” The greatest constant in my life has always been dogs. There hasn’t been a time when I haven’t been around them; they provide a sense of connection and emotional support you can’t get anywhere else. Throughout my childhood, before I understood training or that it could be a profession, I took pride in learning how to understand my pets better. I spent most of my life working in the music industry until 2022, when I decided to step away and dedicate my life to my passion for dogs. Since then, I have completed Will Atherton’s dog training academy, studied the ins and outs of dog psychology, fostered multiple dogs (all successfully adopted), and worked for a board and train company. I’ve dedicated myself to ensuring I have the best information available for every issue that can arise with dogs. I am excited to share all of this with you so you can have the best in mind for your dog.